Gästhem Kronan i Mariehamn

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52, Neptunigatan, 22100, Mariehamn, Mariehamn, AX Åland Islands
Kontakter telefon: +358 18 12617
Hjemmeside: www.aland.com
Latitude: 60.0934959, Longitude: 19.9318398
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Kommentar 5

  • George Morgan

    George Morgan


    The owner got me out of a jam when my wallet fell out of my pocket while riding one of the rental bicycles. Someone found it and turned it in. I make a habit of grabbing a hotel's business card when I travel out. They called the hotel and the owner took me to retrieve it. Otherwise, very modest accommodations. The place is loud, especially in Rm #1, since it has a window facing the entry and is right off of the entry hall and dining/TV room. Old and in need of a good cleaning. I could go on but..... I would not stay there again.

  • Heikki Ylänne

    Heikki Ylänne


    Mariehamnin hintoihin katsottuna edullinen hostellimainen majoitus jossa ok aamiainen. Henkilökuntaa näkyi vain aamuisin. Yhteiset vessat ja suihku suoraan respan edessä. Huoneet erittäin kosteat ja remonteista tai korjauksista ei näkynyt pienintäkään jälkeä. Esim. huoneen lukuvaloille ei ollut töpseleitä..? Tähti tulee hyvistä polkupyöristä, jota sai vuokrata.

  • Joep De Wit

    Joep De Wit


    DON'T COME HERE. It might look like a very cheap option, but you get the the very worst treatment you can imagine. It looks clean of first eye, but it's actually badly maintained and not clean at all. You can't enjoy a good night sleep due to the thinnest walls you can imagine. You better pay some more money, and get some service and a good night sleep. There is no staff to help whatsoever and when you call the owner, Peter, he is so rude and basically tells you to shut up.

  • Jennifer Asplund

    Jennifer Asplund


    Nice rooms few outlets so would recommend having a extra chord or two with you comfortable beds and nice clean rooms did not see a single staff while was there but was only there for 2 nights you have to go into the hallway to use the bathroom but there wasn't alot of people and i just walked around in my sleeping clothes most of the time no one really cares there😊

  • Sam Dunn

    Sam Dunn


    Basic hostel but has what you need. Shared bathrooms and showers on each floor. Communal kitchenette with kettle and microwave and mini hob. Breakfast is porridge, toast, hard boiled eggs and cucumber or pepper or jam. Can sit outside for breakfast.

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