indigo restaurang & bar i Mariehamn

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

1, Nygatan, 22100, Mariehamn, Mariehamn, AX Åland Islands
Kontakter telefon: +358 18 16550
Latitude: 60.1001924, Longitude: 19.9428298
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Kommentar 5

  • Karim Aissa Baccouche

    Karim Aissa Baccouche


    Good service and good food. We had fish and some carbonara. Both were really good. Since you're in Åland have a taste of the local beer! The personnel is helpful and the atmosphere of the place is cool and casual.

  • Johan Westling

    Johan Westling


    Good food and friendly staff. Cosy interior and good location in the very center of the town. Nice outdoor seating in summer time.

  • Elias Vartio

    Elias Vartio


    Great atmosphere, usually good food and pretty good selection of beers. Everynow snd then I also stumble upon a musical talent that I had previously been unaware of. I recommend the bistro upstairs.

  • Jarkko Salminen

    Jarkko Salminen


    The food lasted forever to come but it was good and there was good service too.

  • Hawa Touré

    Hawa Touré


    Good restaurant, good food, good wine. Super service and I highly recommend the strawberry and rhubarb pie for dessert.

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